Isabel Alonso-Breto


Isabel Alonso-Breto is a senior lecturer in Postcolonial Literatures in English at the University of Barcelona in Spain. Her research interests have focused on Postcolonial literatures in English with an emphasis on cultural intersections, migration and diasporas. Her latest publications include 'The pain becomes the poem': An Interview with Jean Arasanayagam; Only Sow Words: Cheran’s A Second Sunrise as Postcolonial Autobiography; 'Don’t be sorry. We didn’t do this’: Diaspora Choices in Vasugi Ganeshananthan’s Love Marriage; The Ethics of Care in the No Fire Zone: Anuk Arudpragasam's The Story of a Brief Marriage; and Ocean as Heritage: An Interview with Cheran.

She is a member of the research groups Ratnakara: Literatures and Cultures of the Indian Ocean and CELCA, Centre for the Study of English Literatures and Cultures, and of the UB Centre for Australian and Transnational Studies, in Spain, and of the Partnership Studies Group at the University of Udine in Italy.

Her most recent work focuses on the connections between literature and the ethics of care, where she is completing a monograph study. Besides the occasional translator, she is the author of the poetry collection Elogio de la tabla de surf y otros poemas desde el cáncer de mama (2021), translated into English as The Red Sea: Poetry from Cancer and Beyond, soon to be published.

Keynote Presentation (2023) | I Shall Be Brief: Spare Thoughts on Literature and Care

Previous Presentations

Interview Session (2021) | Brexit, Borders and the Gibraltarian Voice: a Conversation With M.G.Sanchez
Discussion Panel (2020) | In Conversation with Gloria Montero

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