Analysis of Hospital Environments in Resident’s Medical Training (85154)

Session Information:

Session: On Demand
Room: Virtual Video Presentation
Presentation Type:Virtual Presentation

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Hospital environments are mainstays in education of medical specialists, providing Clinical Learning Environments (ACA), essential for resident's medical training. Consequently, instruments like ACA-UNAM-MEX have been developed to analyze educational processes in Mexico's healthcare services. Evaluate ACA in 8 medical units using ACA-UNAM-MEX, aiming to identify areas for improvement and strengthen resident’s medical training. A cross-sectional observational study was conducted, applying ACA-UNAM-MEX to 690 residents from 8 PEMEX hospitals in 2023. This instrument evaluates 4 dimensions: Interpersonal Relationships (IR), Educational Processes (EP), Institutional Culture (IC) and Service Dynamics (SD), considering the interaction of professors and adjunct professors. Central tendency measures and correlation analysis were calculated between variables such as gender, hospital, specialty, and age. The overall score was obtained from the interaction of professors (M=88.34) and adjunct professors (M=88.39) with their residents. Gender showed statistical significance in RI (p≤.001) and PE (p≤.05), reflecting higher scores in men compared to women. Surgical specialties showed a higher IR score (p≤.001) compared to clinical specialties. The age group of 40-49 years obtained a higher score than younger age groups in PE (p≤.05) and IC (p≤.01). Evaluating ACA in medical residencies underscores the importance of analyzing hospital environments that foster learning and skill development. Male gender obtained higher scores in interpersonal relationships, surgical specialty residents might exhibit better social skills, and residents over 40 years showed a greater sense of cultural belonging. Continuous evaluation and gender-sensitive policies are vital for improving these training environments.

Sofia Lavaniegos-Appendini, Universidad La Salle, Mexico
Gabriela Yanet Cortés-Moreno, Coordinación Nacional de Investigación, Mexico
Ilicia González-Mundo, Coordinación Nacional de Investigación, Mexico
Rodolfo Lehmann-Mendoza, Subdirección de Servicios de Salud, Mexico
Roberto Arturo Vázquez-Dávila, Subgerencia de Educación y Desarrollo en Salud, Mexico
Rosa Paola Figuerola-Escoto, Centro Interdisciplinario de Ciencias de la Salud, Mexico

About the Presenter(s)
Dr Sofia Lavaniegos Appendini is a Medical Intern in Social Service at PEMEX, focused on evaluating clinical learning environments in Pemex Medical Units across Mexico, with interests in medical education, healthcare sustainability, and writing.

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Posted by Clive Staples Lewis

Last updated: 2023-02-23 23:45:00