“Attacks on Critical Race Theory” by Adrien K. Wing of the University of Iowa College of Law, United States, has been announced as a keynote to be presented at The 3rd Barcelona Conference on Arts, Media & Culture (BAMC2022) and The 3rd Barcelona Conference on Education (BCE2022).
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This plenary will also be available for IAFOR Members to view online. To find out more, please visit the IAFOR Membership page.
Attacks on Critical Race Theory
Critical Race Theory started in the United States over 30 years ago. In the last two years, vicious attacks have started against it all over the world. Political forces in the United States in particular have attempted overtly or covertly to ban its use. More than 20 US states have passed laws restricting the teaching of certain principles that they claim are affiliated with CRT. The talk will help to shed light on the topic. What is CRT really? Why the upsurge on attacks? Should proponents of CRT fight back? What does this campaign against CRT mean for the future of discussion of race issues in the United States or elsewhere as well as broader freedom of speech issues?
Speaker Biography
Adrien K. Wing
University of Iowa College of Law, United States
Adrien Wing is the Associate Dean for International and Comparative Law Programs and the Bessie Dutton Murray Professor at the University of Iowa College of Law, United States, where she has taught since 1987. Wing currently teaches Critical Race Theory and Sex Discrimination Law. Author of more than 150 publications, Wing is the editor of Critical Race Feminism: A Reader and Global Critical Race Feminism: An International Reader, both from NYU Press, as well as co-editor of the Richard Delgado Reader. After receiving her Bachelor of Arts degree from Princeton with high honors in 1978, Wing earned her Master of Arts degree in African studies from UCLA in 1979. She obtained her Doctorate of Jurisprudence degree in 1982 from Stanford Law School.