Factors that Affect University Student Failure (86456)
Session: On Demand
Room: Virtual Video Presentation
Presentation Type:Virtual Presentation
School failure is a very important phenomenon, since it generates a series of short and long-term effects. Among these effects we can mention: loss or delay of the school cycle, emotional and psychological impact, economic pressure, social effects, etc. It was decided to carry out a quantitative, non-experimental design, and cross-sectional research, with the objective of identifying those factors that lead to failure in students of a public university in northern Mexico, in order to reduce failure rates. A 52 items instrument was developed, grouped into 7 dimensions, with a dichotomous option for student response. Cronbach's Alpha measure was used, obtaining .895, which represents a high reliability. The results by dimension, according to the frequency analysis, indicate for Vocational Guidance that the causes were lack of previous knowledge and the selected career was not the right one. For the Learning Tools those results showed that the doubts were not exposed in a timely manner and the study methods were not appropriate. Concerning Pedagogical Skills those results indicated that the teacher's explanation was not clear and the exercises in class were not enough. Relating to the Teaching Resources, there was a lack of practice on the topics seen and advising. Regarding Motivation shows that they had little time to study outside the classroom and little motivation during classes. With regard to the evaluation results indicated that extra points were missing and for Course Management, the professor did not promote a participatory environment and did not show accessibility.
Edna María Medina Morón, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Mexico
Neydi Gabriela Alfaro Cázares, Úniversidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Mexico
Yazmany Jahaziel Guerrero Ceja, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Mexico
About the Presenter(s)
Dr. Medina is currently a full time professor at Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León. She is interested in issues related to education and the use of technology in higher education.
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