Appraising the Integration of Training and Education in Masters-level Apprenticeship Courses (84987)

Session Information:

Session: On Demand
Room: Virtual Video Presentation
Presentation Type:Virtual Presentation

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The advent of Level 7 (L7) apprenticeships over the past decade has presented a number of challenges and opportunities to the UK Higher Education sector. Whilst new market(s) were opened to universities and other educational establishments, the differences between apprenticeship training and ‘standard’ masters-level education needed exploration and quantification and a means had to be devised to deliver training into the marketplace. Two primary approaches to achieve this were implemented, the first being the creation of dedicated apprenticeship-only training courses at L7, the second being to broaden the scope of existing masters courses to include apprenticeship training. In this latter approach, apprentices are taught side-by-side with masters-only students, and this means that a single course needs to be able to successfully deliver educational and training needs. This presented a significant challenge, and one that needed to be perfected over time. As a case study, this paper considers how Cranfield University’s Systems Engineering MSc course team approached this task. The process by which the existing course was modified and subsequently revised in the light of experience is documented focusing upon the need to meet apprenticeship aims, and knowledge, skills and behaviour (KSB) criteria stipulated by the relevant apprenticeship standard, whilst not adversely affecting the existing educational offering. An appraisal will be made using lessons learned from experience and considering feedback from students, employers, and academics, together with existing literature, to identify successes and potential improvements and recommend suggestions to support continued apprenticeship development and good practice.

Steve Barker, Cranfield University, United Kingdom

About the Presenter(s)
Dr Steve Barker is a University Assistant Professor/Lecturer at Cranfield University in United Kingdom

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Posted by Clive Staples Lewis

Last updated: 2023-02-23 23:45:00