Enhancing Distance Pedagogy: Collaborative Peer Evaluation of Online Courses (84986)

Session Information: Adult, Lifelong & Distance Learning
Session Chair: Uloma Onubogu

Saturday, 16 November 2024 10:15
Session: Session 2
Room: Live-Stream Room 1
Presentation Type:Live-Stream Presentation

All presentation times are UTC + 1 (+01:00)

Educational paradigms have shifted significantly in the realm of distance pedagogy with advances in digital technology to deliver asynchronous and synchronous learning. Although online education was something freshly discovered by many during the recent global pandemic, it has been around for decades and has proven its use. Yet it remains the stepchild in some schools with no clear or established framework for ongoing pedagogical effectiveness. A system for assuring quality improvement through ongoing review and evaluation is critical for effective online education.

In this project, a group of nursing faculty members who teach online in our institution participated in a collaborative peer evaluation of their fully online asynchronous courses. The goal was to apply collaborative peer review as a vital supportive strategy for faculty to review each other’s courses, provide and receive constructive feedback, and engage in qualitative discussions and debriefing. Quality standards tools and best practices in online course review were utilized. Outcomes, lessons learned, and practical recommendations from the peer review activity are shared to improve online course review practice.

Uloma Onubogu, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, United States
Victoria Baker, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, United States

About the Presenter(s)
Dr. Uloma Onubogu is an Assistant Dean for Online Learning at University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth, USA. Her current interest and work are focused on quality improvement standards for online learning and professional development programs.

Dr. Victoria L. Baker serves as adjunct faculty in the online Masters in Science in Nursing Program.  Her scholarly interest centers around equity in teaching and education.

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Posted by Clive Staples Lewis

Last updated: 2023-02-23 23:45:00